Supplement to another Supplement:
You should receive your card/policy within 2 – 3 weeks at most.
If NOT – call us.
Once you receive the card – YOU MUST CALL AND CANCEL your previous coverage.
Please do not use my name with previous company if they ask.
You can cancel based on the date of the new coverage.
Your new plan can charge you immediately… we try to do at start date… following months will be on 5th.
Supplement to Advantage:
1 – 2 above applies. (CANCEL the supplement!!!)
Part D plan will AUTOMATICALLY be cancelled by Medicare – do NOT need to cancel the RX plan.
All plans start on January 1.
Do NOT use your Medicare card after that – ONLY your new plan card. (keep Medicare card – but don’t use)
You can change back to supplement – call me if you aren’t happy.
RX to RX (or) Advantage to Advantage
1 -2 above applies.
Medicare cancels your previous plan – Do NOT need to cancel previous plan.
If you need more help - CALL BRAD!!! 719-244-2857